Yuchu Gao, born in 1993 in Tangshan, Hebei, China, graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Painting from Wimbledon College of Arts, University of the Arts London in 2016, and finished her study from the sculpture class (Prof. Nicole Wermers) at the Academy of Fine Art Munich in 2024. She lives in Munich and works primarily with paintings and drawings, navigated by varied materials and spaces.
2018 - 2024 AdBK München, Sculpture Klasse, Prof. Nicole Wermers, Munich, Germany
2013 - 2016 BA Fine Art Painting, Wimbledon College of Arts, UAL, London, UK
Prize and Scholarship
2024 Kunstpreis Delmenhorst, nominated
2022 Altonale Kunstpreis, nominated
2020 Scholarship for foreign students, AdBK Munich
Solo Exhibition
2024 Her Sea, Her Land, MOUMOU Art Space, Beijing, China
Bearing Capacity, AdBK Munich, Germany
2023 Silver Tides, The Tiger Room, Munich, Germany (Duo Solo)
Warped World, Inna Art Space, Hangzhou, China
Group Exhibitions
2024 Sanctuary, LC Queisser, Tbilisi, Georgia
JUST TELL ME A STORY, Migrant Bird Art Space, Berlin, Germany
Le Samourai, Ermes Ermes, Rome, Italy
2023 Politics of Display, Vitsoe, Munich, Germany
Office for Unsolved Issues, Zurich Versicherungsagentur, Munich, Germany
Localised Pressure, AdBK Munich Jahresausstellung, Germany
Sterling Darling, Kunstarkaden, Munich, Germany
2022 Super BOOKS, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
Glimmer Shrine, Tang Contemporary Art, Hong Kong
Outer Edge of the Grotto, AdBK Munich Jahresausstellung, Munich, Germany
Undermining & Oversharing, Produzenten Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
Kunst im Schaufenster, Altonale Art Festival, Altona, Hamburg, Germany
Creatures On The Run, exhibition project, Munich, Germany
2021 Pictures on Knick-knack Peddlers, public art section of Guangzhou Contemporary Art Fair, Guangzhou, China
MIRROR MIRROR, Dachauerstr, Munich, Germany
Super BOOKS, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
Isle of Dry Angles, AdBK Munich Jahresausstellung, Barerstr, Munich, Germany
Undermining & Oversharing, Galerie der Stadt Schwaz, Schwaz, Austria
The Grammatical Structure of Art, BACA Art Centre, Beijing, China
2020 Winter Exhibition, Echo Dark Art Space, Shenzhen, China
Evolution-Chapter 1 Unit 5 Sigmaringen, Enjoy · Art Museum, Beijing, China GanzInFerLoren, AdBK Munich Jahresausstellung, online
2019 Fenetre Change Over with Klass Wermers, Lotheringstr. 13, Munich, Germany
Klasse Wermers Diplom-und Jahresausstellung, AdBK Munich, Munich, Germany
Broccoli Theatre, by Goldmali Gallery, online
2016 Sampler - 27 contemporary painters, Arcade Fine Art, London, UK
Wimbledon Undergraduate Summer Show, Wimbledon College of Arts, London, UK
2015 Homo Ludens Now-showing, CSM Platform Bar, London, UK
RIJI-Diary, Camden Image Gallery, London, UK
Curatorial Project
2016 Everyday Sketch Model, Anise Gallery, London, UK
Printed Matter and Publications
2023 Politics of Display, catalogue by Dannerstiftung, Munich, Germany
2022 Giant Calendar, Awakening, Munich, Germany
Undermining & Oversharing, by Klasse Wermers, AdBK Munich, Munich, Germany
2021 Notfallgepaeck, Munich, Germany
2020 Toilet Paper, June issue 3, by the Toilet Paper editorial department, China
Florida Magazine issue 6, by Florida Lotheringstr 13, Munich, Germany